Male Condoms Male condoms (external condoms) are a thin sheath of either latex or non-latex rubber that wrap snugly around the penis during sex....

Sexually Transmittable Infections and Blood-borne Viruses.
Sexually transmissible infections (STIs) are infections which can be passed from one person to another during sexual activity. Blood-borne viruses (BBVs) such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV are viruses transmitted from one person to another through blood-to-blood contact.
This is often in the form of sharing drug injecting equipment/needles, body piercing equipment, or unsterilised tattoos such as tattoos done overseas.
STIs and BBVs often have no symptoms so you may not know if you or a partner have one. If left untreated, STIs and BBVs can cause damage to the body and lead to health problems.
It doesn’t matter who you are, anyone can get an STI or BBV.
Check out the information below to learn more about STIs and BBVs so you can protect yourself and your partner(s).
Safe sex methods could reduce the risk of catching or transmitting STIs.
Male Condoms Male condoms (external condoms) are a thin sheath of either latex or non-latex rubber that wrap snugly around the penis during sex....
We’re not talking about a dam as in a large body of water. The dam we’re referring to is a product that can be used during oral sex as a method to...
Disposable (single use) gloves are a thin latex rubber or nitrile covering for the hand that some people choose to use during manual sex – using...
Using lube during sex can make sex feel more comfortable and pleasurable. Lube can be used for all types of sex including vaginal, anal, oral,...
Have you met Frankee, our sexpert elephant in the room?
Frankee addresses those awkward topics about sex, the body and relationships that everyone wants to know about but are too afraid to ask.