Can I Get Pregnant From That? Let’s Bust Some Myths!

There are lots of myths and misconceptions about how someone can become pregnant. Not having the right information can lead to unnecessary fear around sex and our bodies as well as leading to unintended pregnancy.

Before we dive into some of those myths, let’s be clear on what must happen for a pregnancy to occur. 

First things first: sperm must meet with an egg.  This can happen after two people have unprotected penis in vagina sex without a condom. It can also happen during any sexual activity where semen containing sperm ends up anywhere near the opening of the vagina. Sperm travels through the vagina and if an egg has been released (ovulation), the sperm and egg meet up and then implant in the uterus. Hormones are released throughout the body which tell the body that a pregnancy has occurred. Find more information about how pregnancy happens at Body Talk


Can I get pregnant from having penis in vagina sex standing up?

YES! Gravity does not stop those swimmers (sperm) from going where they need to go. 

Can you get pregnant if someone ejaculates in a pool while you’re swimming?

No. While sperm are great swimmers, they are only great swimmers in a body. No one’s going to get pregnant from swimming in that pool water. 


Can cleaning your vagina after sex prevent pregnancy?

No. Cleaning (or “douching”) your vagina after unprotected penis in vagina sex won’t prevent pregnancy. Sperm can swim very fast and may make it to the uterus before you even start. In fact, douching can also have negative health effects for your vagina. 

Can you get pregnant from oral sex?

No. Oral sex or kissing does not cause pregnancy. While sperm can live in the reproductive tract for up to 5 days, sperm cannot live in our digestive tract.   

Can you get pregnant from anal sex?

No, BUT… If you are having unprotected anal sex, the distance between the rectum and the vagina is very small, so it is technically possible that some semen may spill onto the vulva and make its way into the vagina and cause pregnancy. It’s a good idea to use a condom during anal sex to avoid any spillage, and to also protect yourself from sexually transmissible infection (STIs). Just remember to use a new condom if you’re changing from anal sex to vaginal sex.

Is it better to use two condoms instead of one?

NOPE. In fact, using two condoms can make it more likely for them both to break.  So, use one new condom every time you have sex.


Can I get pregnant from the pull-out method?

Yes. As soon as a penis becomes erect, it starts producing pre-ejaculate (or pre-cum) which can contain sperm.

Can I get pregnant from a toilet seat?

No. Sperm cannot survive on a surface like a toilet seat or anything similar. Also, why is there semen on the toilet seat?! 


Can I get pregnant from dry humping with clothes on?

No. Keeping your clothes on will make sure semen won’t get in or near the vagina. 

Can you get pregnant from being fingered?

No…ish. It depends on what your partner has on their fingers. If fingers are clean and free of any semen, there is no chance of pregnancy. However, if semen is present on the fingers, there could be a possibility. 

Can I get pregnant when I’m not ovulating?

Hmm… If ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovaries) hasn’t occurred when unprotected penis in vagina sex happens, there is no egg for the sperm to meet to cause pregnancy. However, sperm can stay alive in the reproductive tract for up to 5 days so if ovulation occurs within this time frame, pregnancy is possible.

Can you get pregnant from pre-cum?

Yes. Pre-cum (or pre-ejaculate) can contain sperm so unprotected penis in vagina sex – even before ejaculation occurs – can cause pregnancy.

Can I get pregnant if I have penis in vagina sex just before, straight after or during my period?

Yes, although it’s not as likely. You can even get pregnant before you’ve even had period or the first time you have unprotected sex. Generally, ovulation occurs around 14 days after the start of your period. Around this time there is a “fertile window” where it’s highly likely pregnancy could occur with unprotected sex. However, everyone’s body is different and sometimes ovulation occurs at times outside a regular cycle. So anytime unprotected sex between a penis and vagina occurs or semen comes into contact with a vagina, there is a possibility of pregnancy.

Can I get pregnant from sex toys?

It’s a possibility only if the sex toys have semen on them and they are inserted in the vagina. 

What if I have sex in a pool or a hot tub?

Yes, pregnancy can happen if you have penis in vagina sex in a pool or hot tub. If a penis ejaculates in a vagina, whether that be in a pool or on dry land, pregnancy is possible. The hot temperatures or chlorine will not affect the sperm in the vagina.

Do I have to orgasm to get pregnant?

No. Orgasm does not need to occur for sperm to enter the vagina with unprotected sex. 

How can I avoid getting pregnant?

If you’re having penis-in-vagina sex and don’t want to become pregnant, contraception is essential. Contraception stops a sperm from fertilising an egg, preventing pregnancy. There are many different types of contraception, but no method is ever 100% effective. Not all contraceptive methods work the same way, and most have benefits and some downsides. That’s why it’s important to consider all the types of contraception available to pick one that best suits you and your partner’s health and lifestyle needs. Condoms are the only form of contraception that also protect against STIs

Got more questions? Speak to a Talkline nurse on 1300 658 886 Monday to Friday 8am-8pm, or email


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